2005 >> August >> Kids Korner  

Kids Korner
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", August 2005, page 13

Meet Cover Artist Perianne Tucker!

I am 15, and in the ninth grade. I am in ballet, but also participate in the sports, tennis and wrestling, at my school. I like to read books, and scrap book with my mom. I also enjoy an occasional insulator hunt with my dad. He has thousands in his collections and we go to France and Italy to look for more. I don't personally collect insulators but I like going to the shows and reading the Crown Jewels to look at the pretty ones. My dad collects the glass ones mostly. I have lived in Germany for 7 years. But this summer we are moving back to the states, to Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Lindsey Kartye

Brandyn French

Brian Orr

We really received some great entries for the cover. Thank you to all the kids that had fun participating in this contest. Each entrant will be sent an insulator for their efforts. We have chosen 4 entries to be on the covers of Crown Jewels. They will be featured over the next few months. We were impressed by the originality of the kids' work.

This month we are featuring Perianne's entry. She submitted a mosaic of small pieces of insulator glass from glossy photographs and then trimmed it into the shape of a signal.

September, we are featuring a pen and ink that is accented with brightly colored color pencils by Christina Jung.

October, is a colored pencil entry by Colin Powell.

November is by Colin IsseI. He sent in a drawing that the concept will be photographically enhanced.

Reid Linksvager

More To Come

Additional entries were submitted in the contest.
We'll print more of them in the
October issue of Crown Jewels.
Thanks everyone for participating.
You're the greatest!

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